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The Structure and Function of the Penis

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The arresting penis consists of two sections - the penis arch or glans penis and the penile shaft. However, the penis continues as a hidden anatomy laying below the scrotum and extensive added astern in the perineal breadth appear the prostate. aback the penis is erect, additionally the perineum, the breadth amid the legs will be swollen.

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The urinary tube (urethra) goes from the bladder, again through the prostate, again enters this penile anatomy aloof below the prostate and again goes advanced all the way to the tip of the penis.

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Balloons Inflators and The Structure and Function of the Penis
The Balloons Inflators.

In the arresting penis and in the anatomy extending backwards there are three Bodies that cool during erection, arrect bodies. The Bodies are mostly fabricated of a bound cobweb of accomplished claret argosy withactual adaptable walls. There are two Bodies forth the high allotment of the penis (corpora cavernosa) that extend backwards below the scrotum. again there is one anatomy about the urethra (corpus spongiosum) that continues backwards to aloof below the prostate.

The arteries arch claret to the arrect Bodies and the veins arch claret from these Bodies accept anatomy in their walls that can abutting off or relax to adapt the claret breeze to and from these bodies.

When the anatomy at the access relax and those at the aperture constrict, claret is abounding into the cobweb by the claret pressure. The arrect Bodies will again engorge as a airship and get straight. The abscess and straightening of the arrect Bodies will aerate the accomplished penis and accomplish it erect. Thisaction is adapted by assumption impulses and the actuality nitrogen oxide alive as a bounded tissue hormone.

All the close structures of the penis are amidst by a able-bodied breadth of adaptable affiliation tissue, the coarse envelope. In the breadth amid the legs there is a breadth of anatomy amid the coarse envelope and the perineal skin, the two bolbospongiosus muscles. These anatomy arrangement during acclamation and advice to pump out the semen.


The penile bark is blubbery and robust. amid the bark and the coarse envelope, there is a attenuate breadth consisting of a bendable and acutely adaptable affiliation tissue. Therefore the bark can calmly be confused up and bottomward forth the penile shaft.

The penis arch is covered by a attenuatebark which is acutely acute by agency of a affluent innervation. Still this attenuate bark is both able and elastic. In accession the bark in an uncircumcised penis is covered by a awning that is not ashore to the apparent of the arch afterwards aboriginal infancy, the foreskin.

The foreskin is a assiduity of the bark accoutrement the shaft that goes to the tip of the penis and is again bankrupt aback inwards, authoritative a bifold layer, area the close bend is attached aloof below the penis head. amid the two folds there are an acutely bendable and adaptable tissue.

The foreskin can calmly be abandoned to appearance the bald penis head, and it uses to abjure itself aback the penis is erect. aback the penis is not erect, the foreskin protects the penis head.

Inaboriginal adolescence the foreskin is anchored to the penis head, but will gradually loosen, usually during aboriginal infancy, but in a adolescent boy there can still be some adhesions larboard about the abject of the head.

In some cultures it is custom to abolish the foreskin for assorted affidavit by an operation alleged circumcision., authoritative the penis arch assuredly apparent and visible. aback circumcision is done in aboriginal infancy, the action additionally involves disturbing the anchored foreskin apart from the apparent of the head.

The bark of the penis arch produces a white buttery actuality alleged smegma which helps to anoint the penis during intercourse. Smegma is a aggregate of oils buried through the bark on the glans, beef alone from the bark apparentand substances produced by sebaceous glands on the central of the foreskin. With abnormal hygiene too abundant smegma can accrue and accord boundless bacterial advance and bad smell.

THE activity AND claret accumulation OF THE PENIS

The capital fretfulness authoritative the penile action and bringing animal stimuli from the penis are the after penile nerves, anchored on both abandon in the affiliation tissue of the high ancillary of the penis and aberration out to all genitalia of the penis. adjustment is controlled by animal stimuli activity to the analgesic bond and ascendancy impulses advancing back, both through this nerve. acclamation is controlled by added fretfulness activity to the beef breadth in the perineum and to all added structures complex in bringing the berryout.

The capital claret accumulation of the penis comes from the after penile arteries activity in the affiliation tissue at the high ancillary of the penis and aberration off to all genitalia of the penile bark and close penile structures.

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