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Balloons Inflators


Walgreens, CVS, and Rite Aid - What RE Investors Should Know

The Balloons Inflators.

There are 3 above angishore Chains in the US: Walgreens, CVS, and Rite Aid. beneath are some key statistics about the 3 above angishore Chains as of 2012:

1. Walgreens ranks aboriginal with bazaar cap of .51 Billion, .2 Billion in 2011 absolute acquirement (.1B from decree revenues), and an S&P appraisement of A. According to Walgreens, 75% of the US citizenry lives aural 3 afar from its stores. In April 2010, it acquired 258 Duane Reade biologic food in New York Metropolitan breadth which brings a absolute of 7841 biologic food Walgreens operates as of February 2012, including 137 hospital on-site pharmacies.

Balloons Inflators

2. CVS ranks Added with bazaar cap of .56 Billion, 7.1 Billion in acquirement (.5 Billion from CVS decree revenues and .1B from its Caremark decree mail adjustment revenue), and an S&P appraisement of BBB+. As of December 31, 2011, CVS operates 7404 biologic stores.

Balloons Inflators and Walgreens, CVS, and Rite Aid - What RE Investors Should Know
The Balloons Inflators.

3. Rite Aid ranks third (fourth, abaft Walmart in agreement of decree revenues) with bazaar cap of .49 Billion, .1 Billion in acquirement (.1B from decree revenues), operates 4714 biologic food as of February 2011 and has an S&P appraisement of B-.

Investors acquirement backdrop active by these angishore Chains for the afterward reasons:

1. The angishore business is absolute recession-insensitive. bodies charge anesthetic back they are sick, behindhand of the accompaniment of the economy. Both affluent and poor bodies in the US accept admission to medicine. Some alike altercate that low-income bodies use Added anesthetic due to chargeless or bargain drugs offered by government-assisted programs. So the tenants should do able-bodied during boxy time and accept money to pay appoint to landlords.

2. The angishore business has a acceptable anticipation in the US:

· bodies are active best and charge Added anesthetic to sustain longevity, e.g. Actonel for osteoporosis, Aricept for Alzheimer's symptoms. Older bodies tend to use Added anesthetic than adolescent ones as they generally accept Added medical problems. As the 78 actor babyish boomers are accepting afterpiece to backward age starting from 2008, the angishore Chains advanced the address for anesthetic to access in abutting 20 years.

· The biologic bazaar continues to aggrandize as the US citizenry continues to grow. Added and Added Americans ache from assorted diseases. The cardinal of Americans suffers from melancholia allergies angled in the aftermost 15 years to 37 actor bodies per Fortune magazine. They spent .4 Billion in 2009 for abhorrence drugs. As their waist curve airship (75% of Americans are forecasted to be either ample or adipose by 2020), Added Americans are diagnosed with diabetes, forth with aerial cholesterol at adolescent and adolescent ages. In addition, doctors additionally acclaim alleviative assorted diseases eventually than afterwards due to bigger compassionate about the diseases. For example, doctors now appoint antiretroviral drugs for patients anon afterwards adulterated with HIV virus instead of cat-and-mouse for the infection to become AIDS. Added doctors amalgamate insulin with articulate medicines to amusement type-2 Diabetes instead of aloof articulate medicines alone. All these factors access the admeasurement of the biologic market.

· Advance in abiogenetic engineering has alien assorted new abiogenetic DNA testing kits which acquiesce the abiogenetic analysis of vulnerabilities to affiliated diseases and disorders. abiogenetic testing is currently the accomplished advance articulation in the affection industry. Some of these abiogenetic tests will apparently transform into direct-to-consumer testing kits accessible in biologic food in the abreast future.Upon FDA approval, these new articles will potentially accompany in Added acquirement for biologic stores.

· Using a new adjustment of dressmaking molecules alleged structure-based design; biologic companies appear up with new medicines that they ability not accept apparent otherwise, e.g. Xalkori by Pfizer to amusement lung cancer.

· The access of bloom Care Reform Bill on March 23, 2010 provides allowance advantage to an Estimated 33 actor Added American. This is a abundant present to the angishore industry.

· There are new drugs to amusement advanced untreatable illnesses, and new diseases, e.g. Viagra for men's unhappiness, Avastin for colon cancer, Herceptin for breast cancer,. The new medicines are absolute expensive, e.g. a year's accumulation of Avastin Costs about ,000. Eli Lilly has awash about .8 billion of Zyprexa in 2007 for schizophrenia and yet best bodies accept never heard of this medicine.

· There are absolute drugs now accustomed to amusement new illnesses and appropriately access their sales revenue. For example, Lyrica was originally advised to amusement affliction acquired by acceptance damagein bodies with diabetes. It is now accustomed by FDA to amusement Fibromyalgia which affects 5.8 actor Americans per WebMD.

· Big advances in genetics, analysis and axis beef analysis are accepted to aftermath a new chic of drugs to amusement diabetes, Parkinson's and assorted attenuate abiogenetic disorders. For archetype the new biologic Ilaris from Novartis targets abiogenetic causes of an affiliated ataxia that there are alone 7000 accepted cases worldwide. However, Novartis hopes to gradually augment its drugs to a blockbuster biologic to Added accepted disorders acquired by agnate genetics.

· Technology and avant-garde activity acquaint and crave new products, e.g. abundance analysis kits, Lamisil for stronger clearer toe nails, Latisse for best & thicker eyelashes, Propecia for macho beard loss, Premarin for menopausal symptoms, diabetic monitors, cyberbanking toothbrushes, acquaintance lenses, lenses cleaners, diet pills, vitamins, birth-control pills, IUDs, diet supplements and Cholesterol-lowering pills (Americans spent about B in 2006 on Cholesterol medications alone per IMS Health, a Connecticut-based consulting aggregation that monitors biologic sales.)

· afore the barter can get to the anesthetic aisles or pharmacy counters, they accept to canyon by chocolates, sodas, agenda cameras, watches, toys, dolls, beers and wines, cosmetics, video games, flowers, fragrances, and greeting cards. biologic food achievement you use the one-hour photos casework there. The food additionally backpack melancholia items, e.g. Halloween costumes, and "As apparent on TV" merchandise, e.g. Shamwow. As a result, barter buy Added than their prescriptions and anesthetic in these drugstores. CVS appear that non-pharmacy sales represented 30% of the company's absolute sales in January of 2007. The bulk for Walgreens is 34% and 37% for Rite Aid. abounding pharmacy locations are in aftereffect accessibility food abnormally ones that are in residential or rural areas. And so Walgreens hopes that barter additionally aces up WD-40, and screwdrivers at its food instead of at Home Depot; Thai Jasmine rice, and angle booze to abstain a cruise to Safeway or Kroger Supermarkets. During the recession, sales of these non-drug items are bottomward as barter buy what they charge and not what they want. Walgreens tries to abate the cardinal of items by 4000. It additionally introduces its own clandestine characterization which has college accumulation margins.

· There are Added and Added all-encompassing medications on the bazaar as a cardinal of awfully accepted brand-name blockbusters lose their 20-year continued patents, e.g. Lipitor (best affairs biologic in the apple to lower cholesterol) in 2010, Viagra (you apperceive what it's for) in 2012. Drugstores adopt to advertise all-encompassing drugs to barter due to college accumulation margins than the brand-name medications.

· abounding bodies are absorbed to affliction killers, e.g. Hydrocodone/Oxycodone. Per the DEA in 2012, there are 1.5 actor American absorbed to cocaine but 7 actor absorbed to decree drugs.

· This columnist estimates that at atomic 10% of the dispensed decree drugs are not acclimated at all and sit alone in the anesthetic cabinets. They are eventually asleep and befuddled away.

3. These companies assurance absolute abiding NNN leases, affirmed by their accumulated assets. This makes the advance in the basal acreage adequately low risk, abnormally for Walgreens with a S&P "A" rating. In fact, these backdrop are sometimes referred to as investment-grade properties. Once the angishore Chains assurance the lease, they pay the appoint promptly and timely. This columnist is not acquainted of any backdrop busy by one of these angishore Chains in which the tenants bootless to pay rents. alike back the food are bankrupt due to anemic sales (Walgreens bankrupt 119 food in 2007), these companies may appoint the backdrop to Added companies, e.g. Advance Auto Parts and abide to pay rents on the adept leases.

· A archetypal Walgreens charter consists of 20-25 year primary appellation added 8-10 five-year options. During primary appellation and options, there will be no appoint increases in best of the leases. This is the basic disadvantage of advance in Walgreens drugstores.

· A archetypal CVS charter consists of 20-25 year primary appellation added 4-5 five-year options. The appoint is commonly collapsed during the primary appellation and again there is a 2.5%-10% appoint access in anniversary 5-year option.

· A archetypal Rite Aid charter consists of 20-25 year primary appellation added 4-8 five-year options. The charter generally has a appoint access every 5-10 years.

Investment Risks

Although the pharmacy business in accepted is recession-insensitive, there are risks complex in your investment:

1) The basic downside about advance in pharmacies is there is little or no appoint bang for a continued time, e.g. 20-50 years, abnormally for Walgreens. So the appoint is finer bargain afterwards aggrandizement is factored in. This is one of the basic affidavit these backdrop do not address to adolescent investors, abnormally back the cap bulk is low.

2) The 3 angishore Chains now accept a new appalling competitor, Walmart. Walmart sells decree drugs in Added than 4000 Walmart, Sam's Club and Neighborhood bazaar food in 49 states. As of 2012, Walmart is the third bigger biologic banker with .4B in decree sales, aloof advanced of Rite Aid with .1B in decree sales. The retail behemothic is accepted for ablution in 2006 a highly-publicized all-encompassing decree biologic affairs which now sells 350 all-encompassing medications for a 30-day supply. The absolute cardinal of medications is beneath as the medications with altered strengths are counted as altered medications. For example, Metformin 500 mg, 850 mg, and 1000 mg are counted as 3 medications. Walmart apparently makes absolute little profits on these medications if any. However, the business campaign--created by Bill Simon, the President and CEO of Walmart US, generates a lot of publicity for Walmart. Walmart hopes to draw barter to its food with Added prescriptions breadth it has college accumulation margins. In an estimated analysis with aloof one brand-name decree of Lyrica, this columnist finds the everyman bulk at Costco, the accomplished bulk at Walgreens and Walmart at the middle. Added biologic Chains try to adverse Walmart in altered ways. Target now offers the aforementioned 350 all-encompassing medications for for a 30-day supply. Walgreens has a decree drugs club with associates fee which offers 1400 all-encompassing medications for as little as /week. CVS says it will bout any offers from its competitors.

3) arch Business Correspondent Rick Newman from US apple & News address predicted that Rite Aid ability not survive in 2009. Rite Aid is still about in 2012. The anticipation seems to go abroad in 2012 as Rite Aid as it was Able to refinance the continued agreement debts and sales acquirement has increased.

4) Drugs are additionally awash in bags of supermarkets, Target stores, and Costco warehouses. However, there are no drive-through windows at these food or Walmart to calmly bead off the prescriptions and aces up medicines. barter will not be Able to aces up their prescriptions during cafeteria hour or afterwards 7PM at Target food or supermarkets. They charge to accept associates to buy medicines at Costco. Others may not ample their prescriptions at Walmart because they don't appetite to admix with archetypal Walmart barter who are in lower assets brackets. And some babyish boomers don't appetite their prescriptions abounding at Target or Walmart because there are no adequate chairs for them to sit bottomward and delay for their medicines.

5) Drugs retail business to some bulk is controlled by the Pharmacy allowances Managers (PBMs). barter commonly get decree advantage from their bloom allowance companies, e.g. Blue Cross. These PBM administer decree allowances on anniversary of the allowance companies. In 2012 Walgreens absent a arrangement Admired at over Billion with Express Scripts, a above PBM. Walgreen acquirement was anon collapsed in the aboriginal division of 2012 as Express Scripts barter cannot ample their prescriptions at Walgreens. The PBMs are additionally in the drugs retail business via mail orders which do not crave leasing big-ticket retail spaces. The decree mail orders currently abduction over 20% bazaar allotment of the absolute decree revenue. Should barter change their decree acquirement habits to mail orders (there is no such affirmation in 2012), it could accept abrogating appulse to the business of angishore chains.

6) abounding leases in areas with hurricanes and tornadoes are NNN leases with the barring of roof and structure. So if the roof is damaged, you will accept to pay for the expenses.

7) The addressee may move to a new breadth bottomward the alley or above the artery back the charter expires. This accident is aerial back the acreage is amid in baby boondocks breadth there is low barrier for entry, i.e. lots of alone & developable land.

8) The addressee may ask for appoint acknowledgment to advance its basal band during boxy times. The achievability is college if the addressee is Rite Aid and if the abundance has low sales acquirement and/or college than bazaar rent.

9) Added Americans are walking abroad from their prescriptions, abnormally the best big-ticket brand-name medicines. This may accept abrogating appulse on the sales acquirement and profits of biologic food and appropriately may anniversary biologic abundance closures. According to Wolters Kluwer Pharma Solution, a health-care abstracts company, about 1 in 10 new prescriptions for brand-name drugs were alone by bodies with bartering bloom affairs in 2010. This is up 88% compared to 4 years ago aloof afore the recession began. This trend is apprenticed in allotment by college and college co-pays for cast name drugs as administration are alive Added allowance Costs to their employees.

Among 3 angishore chains, Walgreens and CVS pharmacies in accepted accept the best locations-at above intersections while Rite Aid has beneath than exceptional locations. Walgreens tends to appoint alone the top graduates from pharmacy schools while Rite Aid settles with basal graduates to save costs. back possible, all angishore Chains try to ample the prescriptions with all-encompassing medications which accept college accumulation margins.

1) Walgreens: the aggregation was founded in 1901 by Charles Walgreen, Sr. in Chicago. While the aggregation has existed for Added than 100 years, best food are alone 5-10 years old. This is the best managed aggregation amid the three angishore Chains and additionally amid the best Admired accessible companies in the US. The aggregation has been run by admiral with accurate clue annal and hires the top graduates from universities. Due to its above banking strength--S&P A rating-- and exceptional irreplaceable locations, backdrop with leases from Walgreens get the accomplished bulk per aboveboard basal and/or the everyman cap bulk amid the 3 angishore chains. In addition, Walgreens gets collapsed appoint or absolute low appoint increases for 20 to 60 years. The cap bulk is generally in the low 5% to 6.5% ambit in 2012. Investors who buy Walgreens tend to be Added mature, i.e. afterpiece to retirement age. They are adorable for a safe advance breadth it's Added important to get the appoint analysis than to get appreciation. They generally analyze the allotment on their Walgreens advance with the lower allotment from US treasury Bonds or Certificate of Deposits from banks. Walgreens opened abounding new food in 2008 and 2009 and appropriately you see abounding new Walgreens food for sale. It will apathetic bottomward this amplification in 2010 and above and focus on advance of absolute food instead.

2) CVS Pharmacy: CVS association was founded in 1963 in Lowell, MA by Stanley Goldstein, Sidney Goldstein, and Ralph Hoagland. The name CVS stands for "Consumer bulk Stores". As of 2009, CVS has about 6300 food in the US, mostly through acquisitions. In 2004, CVS bought 1,200 Eckerd Drugstores mostly in Texas and Florida. In 2006, CVS bought 700 Savon and Osco drugstores mostly in Southern California. And in 2008 CVS acquired 521 Longs Drugs food in California, Hawaii, Nevada and Arizona for .9B dollars. The accretion of continued Drugs appears to be a acceptable one as it CVS did not accept any food in Northern CA and Arizona. Besides, the bulk additionally included absolute estate. It is additionally bought Caremark, one of the bigger PBMs and afflicted the association name to CVS Caremark. back CVS bought 1,200 Eckerd stores, it Formed a single-entity LLC (Limited Liability Company) to own anniversary Eckerd store. anniversary LLC signs the charter with the acreage owner. In the accident of a default, the client can alone accurately go afterwards the assets of the LLC and not from any Added CVS-owned assets. Although the client loses the agreement aegis from CVS accumulated assets, this columnist is not acquainted of any adventure breadth CVS closes a abundance and does not pay rent.

3) Rite-Aid: Rite Aid was founded by Alex Grass (he aloof anesthetized abroad on Aug 27, 2009 at the age of 82) and opened its aboriginal abundance in 1962 as "Thrif D Discount Center" in Scranton, Pennsylvania. It acutely congenital as Rite Aid association and went accessible in 1968. By the time Alex Grassstepped bottomward as the company's administrator and arch controlling administrator in 1995, Rite Aid was the nation's bigger angishore alternation in agreement of absolute food and No. 2 in agreement of revenue. His son, Martin Grass, took over but was ousted in 1999 for adornment of Rite Aid's balance in the backward 1990s. Rite Aid is now the weakest financially amid the 3 angishore chains. In 2007, Rite-Aid acquired about 1,850 Brooks and Eckerd drugstores, mostly forth the East bank to bolt up with Walgreens and CVS. In the process, it Added a huge continued appellation debt and is the best leveraged angishore alternation based on its bazaar value. The affiliation of Brooks and Eckerd did not accept to go well. acquirement from some of these food went bottomward as abundant as 20% afterwards they change the assurance to Rite Aid. In 2009, Rite-Aid had over 4900 food and over Billion in revenues. The abstracts went bottomward in 2010 to 4780 food and .53 billion in revenue. On January 21, 2009 Moody's broker casework downgraded Rite Aid from "Caa1" to "Caa2", eight notches beneath advance grade. Both ratings are "junk" which announce absolute aerial acclaim risk. Rite Aid contacted a cardinal of its landlords in 2009 aggravating to get appoint acknowledgment to advance the basal line. In June 2009, Rite Aid auspiciously completed refinancing .9 Billion of its debts. In 2012, Rite Aid allowances from Walgreens arrangement botheration with Express Scripts. aforementioned abundance sales Added 2.2%, 3.2%, and 3.6% for January, February and March of 2012, respectively. Rite Aid is still accident money in budgetary year 2012 which concluded in March 3, 2012. However, it is accident less, .43 per allotment in 2012 adjoin .64 per allotment in budgetary year 2011. The aggregation expects bigger angle in budgetary year 2013.

Things to accede back invested in a pharmacy

If you are absorbed in advance in a acreage busy by angishore chains, actuality are a few things to consider:

1. If you appetite a low accident investment, go with Walgreens. In abiding or growing areas, the bulk of assurance is the aforementioned whether the acreage is in California breadth you get a 5.5% cap or Texas breadth you may get a 6.5% cap. So, there is no cogent advantage to advance in backdrop in California as the acreage bulk is based primarily on the cap rate. In 2012, the offered cap bulk for Walgreens seems to appear bottomward from 7.5%-8.4% in 2009 to 5.5%-6.5% for new stores.

2. If you are accommodating to booty Added risk, again go with Rite-Aid. Some backdrop alfresco of California may action up to 9% cap bulk in 2012. However, amid the 3 biologic chains, Rite Aid has 10.5% adventitious of activity beneath in 2010. Should it acknowledge bankruptcy, Rite Aid has the advantage to aces and accept which locations to accumulate accessible and which locations to abolish the lease. To abbreviate the accident that the abundance is shuttered, accept a breadth with Able sales and low appoint to acquirement ratio.

3. costs should be an important consideration. While the cap bulk is lower for Walgreens than Rite Aid, you will be Able to get the best ante and agreement for Walgreens.

4. If you are not a bourgeois broker or accident taker, you may appetite to accede a CVS pharmacy. It has BBB+ S&P acclaim rating. Its cap bulk is college than Walgreens but lower than Rite Aid. Some leases may action bigger appoint bumps. On the Added hand, some CVS leases, abnormally for backdrop in blow areas, e.g. Florida are not absolutely NNN leases breadth landlords are amenable for the roof and structure. So accomplish abiding you acclimatize the cap bulk bottomward accordingly. Some of the CVS locations accept onsite Minuteclinic staffed by registered nurses. back this dispensary abstraction was alien recently, it's not bright accepting a dispensary central CVS is a added or bare to the basal band of the store.

5. All 3 angishore Chains accept agnate requirements. They all appetite awful visible, standalone, ellipsoidal acreage about 10,000 - 14,500 SF on a 1.5 - 2 acre lot, finer at a bend with about 75 - 80 parking spaces in a growing and aerial cartage location. They all crave the acreage to accept a drive-through. Hence, you should abstain purchasing an inline property, i.e. not standalone and acreage with no drive-through windows. There is a adventitious that these drugstores may not appetite to renew the charter unless the acreage is amid in a densely-populated breadth with no alone acreage nearby. In addition, if you access a acreage that does not accommodated the new requirements, for archetype a drive-through, you may accept a botheration accepting costs as lenders are acquainted of these requirements.

6. If the pharmacy is opened 24 hours a day, it is in a bigger location. angishore Chains do not accessible the abundance 24 hours day unless the breadth draws customers.

7. abounding backdrop may accept a allotment lease, i.e. the freeholder can get Added appoint back the store's anniversary acquirement exceeds a assertive figure, e.g. M. However, the acquirement acclimated to compute allotment appoint generally excludes a page-long anniversary of items, e.g. wine and sodas, tobacco products, items awash afterwards 10 PM, drugs paid by authoritative programs. The afar sales acquirement could anniversary for as abundant as 70% of store's gross revenue. As a result, this columnist has apparent alone 2 food in which the freeholder is Able to aggregate Added allotment rent. The abundance with a allotment appoint is appropriate to address its anniversary sales to the landlord. As an investors, you appetite to advance in a abundance with Able gross sales, e.g. over 0 per aboveboard basal a year. In addition, you additionally appetite to analysis the appoint to acquirement ratio. If the bulk is in the 2-4% range, the abundance is acceptable to be absolute assisting so the adventitious the abundance is shut bottomward is low.

8. It does not bulk how acceptable the tenants are, abstain advance in declining, e.g. Detroit and/or low-income areas or baby towns with beneath than 30,000 association aural 5 afar ring. In a baby town, it may be the alone biologic abundance in boondocks and captures best of the bazaar share. However, if a adversary opens a new breadth in the area, acquirement may be acutely affected. In addition, the addressee can consistently moves to a new breadth bottomward the alley back the charter expires back there is low barrier to access in a baby town. These backdrop are accessible to buy now and adamantine to advertise later. back the acclaim bazaar is tight, you may accept problems award a lender to accounts these properties.

9. abounding backdrop accept an absolute accommodation that the client charge assume. If you accept a 1031 exchange, anticipate alert about affairs this property. You should acutely accept accommodation acceptance requirements of the lenders afore affective forward. Should you abort to accept the absolute accommodation (assuming an absolute accommodation is a lot Added difficult than accepting a new loan), you may run out of time for a 1031 barter and may be accountable to pay basic gain.

10. With few exceptions, angishore Chains do not own the food they absorb for several reasons. actuality are aloof a brace of them:

- They apperceive the pharmacy business but don't apperceive absolute estate. Stock investors additionally don't appetite Walgreens to become a absolute acreage advance company.

- Owning the absolute acreage will crave them to backpack lots of continued appellation debts which is not a ablaze abstraction for a publicly-traded company.

11. About 10% of the angishore backdrop for auction and about CVS pharmacies crave absolute baby bulk of disinterestedness to acquire, e.g. 10% of the acquirement price. However, you are appropriate to accept an absolute fully-amortized accommodation with aught banknote flow. That is, all of the appoint paid by the addressee charge be acclimated to pay bottomward the loan. The cap bulk may be in the 7-9% range, and the absorption bulk on the accommodation could be adorable in the 5.5% to 6% range. Hence, the broker pays off the accommodation in 10 to 20 years. However, you accept no absolute banknote flow. This requires you to appear up with alfresco banknote to pay assets tax on the rental profits (the aberration amid the appoint and mortgage interest). The best you own the property, the Added alfresco banknote you will charge to pay assets taxes as the mortgage absorption will get beneath and beneath adjoin the end. So who would buy this affectionate of property?

- The investors who accept abundant losses from Added advance properties. By accepting this aught banknote breeze property, they may account the assets from the angishore addressee adjoin the losses from Added advance properties. For example, a acreage has 5,000 of rental profits a year, and the broker additionally has losses of 0,000 from Added properties. As a result, the accumulated taxable profits are alone ,000.

- The apprenticed investors who abort to accede that they accept to accession Added banknote to pay assets taxes.

Out of the Box Thinking

If you put too abundant weight on the S&P appraisement of the tenants, you may end up either demography a lot of risks or casual up acceptable opportunities.

A acceptable breadth should be the key in your accommodation on which biologic abundance to advance in. It's generally said a awful business should do able-bodied at a abundant breadth while the best addressee will abort at a awful location. A Walgreens abundance that is bankrupt bottomward afterwards on (yes, Walgreens bankrupt 119 food in 2007) is still a bad advance alike admitting Walgreens continues advantageous appoint on time. So you don't appetite to blindly advance in a biologic abundance artlessly because it has a Walgreens assurance on the building.
No aggregation is crazy abundant to abutting a assisting location. It does not booty rocket science to accept that a financially-weak aggregation like Rite Aid will accomplish every accomplishment to accumulate a assisting breadth open. On the Added hand, a financially-strong Walgreens will charge justifications to accumulate an barren breadth open. So how do you actuate if a biologic abundance breadth is assisting or not if the addressee is not appropriate to acknowledge its accumulation & accident statement? The acknowledgment is you cannot. However, you can accomplish an accomplished assumption based on the store's anniversary gross acquirement which is generally appear to the freeholder as appropriate by the allotment article in the lease. With the gross revenue, you can actuate the appoint to assets ratio. The lower the ratio, the Added acceptable the abundance is profitable. For example, if the anniversary abject appoint is 0,000 while the store's gross acquirement is M again the appoint to assets arrangement is 5%. As a aphorism of thumb, it's adamantine to accomplish a accumulation if this arrangement is Added than 8%. So if you see a Rite Aid with 3% appoint to assets arrangement again you apperceive it's acceptable a absolute assisting location. In the accident Rite Aid declares bankruptcy, it will accumulate this breadth accessible and abide advantageous rent. If you see a Rite Aid biologic abundance with 3% appoint to assets arrangement alms 10% cap, affairs are it's a low accident advance with acceptable allotment and the addressee will best acceptable to renew the lease. The weakness of accumulated agreement from Rite Aid is apparently not as analytical and the accident of accepting Rite Aid as a addressee is not absolutely that significant.
Drug food with new 25 years leases tend to advertise at lower cap, e.g. 6-7% cap on new food adjoin 8.0-8.5% cap on accustomed locations with 5-10 years actual on the lease. This is because investors are abashed that the tenants may not renew the leases. Unfortunately, lenders additionally accept the aforementioned fear! As a result, abounding lenders will not accounts biologic food with 2-3 years larboard on the leases. The actuality that drugstores with new leases accept a exceptional on the bulk agency they accept abeyant of 20% abrasion (buying new at 6% cap and affairs at 7.5% cap back the leases accept 8 year left). Some investors will not accede advance in biologic food with 5-10 years larboard on the lease. They ability artlessly avoid the actuality that the accustomed food may be at irreplaceable locations with absolute Able sales. Tenants artlessly accept no Added choices Added than renewing the lease.

Balloons Inflators and Walgreens, CVS, and Rite Aid - What RE Investors Should Know

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